Campaign Issues

Inflation Matters

Reduce Spending. Focus Resources. Cut taxes. Eliminate waste. Celebrate success.

When too much money is printed and added to an economy and the demand for products is higher than supply, inflation happens – every time! More money is competing for the same amount of goods and services, and in turn the costs go up. It makes life hard for families affecting their ability to afford groceries and can destroy the prospect of home ownership. Inflation is an absolute DISASTER for those living on a fixed income, the poor and middle class, and we need to attack it now. The only thing worse than the inflation we currently face it the possibility of further inflation.

When inflation rises, people are forced to make hard choices, cut back or eat less healthy, increase income or tighten their budgets. They do, by necessity, seek that delicate balance hoping for stability.

Yet, ignoring the massive and predictable impacts to Minnesota’s economy, the Walz administration and the House Democrats enacted some of the most extreme lockdowns in the country.  Experts knew then, and we all know now that lockdowns would have a deleterious effect on educational outcomes, businesses, and our supply chain. They knew that lengthy lockdowns would result in higher inflation, would increase crime and not be effective in defeating Covid.  But they forged anyway and refused to listen to anyone with a different point of view.

So, while the Biden Administration and the Federal Reserve were pouring trillions of dollars into the economy – driving demand, Walz, and House Democrats shut down the ability of our great businesses to produce products – eliminating supply.  Even then, liberal economists were screaming that big inflation was inevitable, and now we’re all paying a steep price.  Elections do have consequences.

        Here are some things we can do help lower the cost of gas, electricity and taxes on Minnesotans:

        1. Roll back the state gasoline tax.  The State budget is fully funded, reserve accounts are full, and the State has close to a $10 Billion surplus idling in some bank.
        2.  End the silly idea of a California Fuel Standard in Minnesota which does little for the environment but will drive up the cost of gas between $.20 – $.54 per gallon.
        3. End the Democrats never-ending goal to add another 20 cent per gallon tax on gas.
        4. Extremists are recklessly demanding a replacement of our low-cost energy with preferred sources that can be up to times as expensive as our current sources. Paying more for the same amount of energy is literally the definition of inflation.
        5. Eliminate Social Security Tax and keep our seniors in Minnesota. Taxing social security hurts those that need it the most.
        6. Long-term permanent tax reform that leaves hardworking Minnesotans with more of their money and focuses government spending on measurable outcomes.
        7. Eliminate every wasteful program that doesn’t have clearly defined goals and outcomes that improve people’s lives. Jettison feel-good initiatives and double-down on successful interventions that increase independence and drive successful outcomes for families.
        8. Evaluate every mandate and compare the goals to competing states to identify its value, then measure its cost and effectiveness. Mandates are almost always costly and oftentimes have limited success.

        I don’t think anyone expects political leaders to have expertise in every field. The true value of experts is their ability to focus intently in their area, without necessarily being concerned with how it impacts other areas. But just like everyone else, political leaders need to prioritize.

            But good leaders are respectful and listen; they’re experienced in weighing impacts and benefits and rely on the relationships they’ve built. Good leaders engage, then guide, they find the balance and make the large-scale decisions that shape our state. They don’t pick winners and losers. They focus and are intentional about their priorities and demand accountability. 

                  Safe Communities Matter

                  Support Police. Make arrests. Enforce the law. Prosecute criminals. Deliver appropriate punishment.

                  Safe communities create a better life. They promote stability, demand civility and bring people together to solve societal problems. Safe communities strengthen our economy, increase income and retail spending, improve educational outcomes, decrease unemployment, build wealth, create small business opportunities and attract investment. Safe communities’ matter because little else does if people live in fear.

                  Doing better is a slogan used by politicians to take advantage of peoples vote. Defund the police, another political slogan designed to move an extreme political agenda completely ignorant of the danger it promotes and the reality of life.  It’s not about doing better or defunding the police at all; it’s about doing what matters for people, and that starts with safe communities.

                        1. Violent, repeat offenders are a danger to people and our communities. I’ll focus on stiff, clear penalties that fit the crime, and keep those who want to hurt others out of our communities.
                        2. A carjacking is very different than auto theft and occurs when someone’s in the car and the perpetrator uses force or threatens to use force to steal it. There shouldn’t be a question whether you’re going to jail if you’re a carjacker, and I’ll work to toughen penalties, including mandatory minimums, on those who decide to be carjackers.
                        3. Our criminal justice system has become a revolving door. Bad acts hurt people, and bad actors need to face the consequences. Prosecutors that fail to prosecute criminals, and judges that deviate frequently from sentencing guidelines or reduce sentences for repeat criminals should not be allowed to practice a catch and release system for criminals that ignores mounting violations in the hope that offenders change course.
                        4. Blaming law enforcement for what’s ailing society is not just unfair, it’s also dangerous. Of course, bad cops need to be held accountable, and so do bad public workers, bad teachers, bad judges and prosecutors. Threats to defund and denigrating the work our officers do has doubtlessly contributed to the increase in the violence we see today. This reckless, politically motivated agenda has caused massive resignations and discouraged good people from ever considering a career in law enforcement.  In order to have safe communities, for law enforcement and ourselves, we need to look differently at the men and women in uniform, treat them like you want to be treated and give them the respect they deserve.