
Nadeau MPPOA Endorsement
Nadeau Sheriff's Deputies Association Endorsement
Dennis Fisher Endorsement
Ryan Sabas Endorsement
Minnesota Farm Bureau Endorsement
Rick Ihli Endorsement
League of Minnesota Cities - Nadeau
MPFF Endorsement


Dear citizens of District 34A,

Please accept my input on your representative, Danny Nadeau. I do not live in your district nor do I consider myself a Republican. However, over the past two years, I have observed and interacted with Danny on many occasions.

My first observation is that Danny is likely the most responsive politician in the state. I challenge you to send him an email anytime day or night about a concern you have. I guarantee you that he will personally respond within a very short period of time. Over the past year I have emailed him five times and received timely responses, each and every time. This is not the norm. I hope you feel fortunate to have this attribute in your representative.

My second observation is that Danny puts people before politics. Again, this is unusual in today’s extremely divided country. Danny takes on issues and reaches across the aisle to seek compromise and consensus, while striving for a solution that benefits everyone.

I am a public educator in our state. It is a very difficult time for our public educators and the future of our public education. As with many professions, the pandemic was a very difficult time for teachers. Since the pandemic, early and mid career teachers have been leaving in droves, all while the number of people entering the profession is decreasing.

A big reason for this is a recent deterioration of public teacher pensions. The value of a teacher pension in Minnesota today is not enough to keep people in the profession, in fact, it is driving them out. Nor is the pension enough to attract people to the profession. Danny knows this and is working extremely hard for all Minnesotans to find a solution and return the trajectory for Minnesota to once again be the State of Education.

As a left leaning moderate, I invite people of all political persuasions in district 34A to re-elect, a responsive and dedicated representative.


Ron Ulseth
Public educator
US Navy, retired
Grand Rapids